Today, IRCC will begin using the NOC 2021 system. Before that modification becomes effective, you should be aware of the following.
Since the announcement on July 27, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has been preparing to switch to the 2021 version of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system.
Changes in eligibility will result from this action for several of Canada's more than 100 immigration programs, including Express Entry.
For instance, the Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) system would replace the present NOC system (NOC 2016), which mandates that Express Entry candidates have work experience categorized under NOC skill classes 0, A, or B.
This is how the TEER categories of the 2021 NOC system correspond to the skill type categories of the existing NOC system.
IRCC's transition to NOC 2021 will result in a shift to the Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) system, whereas the present NOC system (NOC 2016) mandates that an Express Entry candidate have work experience categorized under NOC skill classes 0, A, or B.
The TEER categories of the 2021 NOC system correspond to the skill type categories of the existing NOC system in the following way.

Updated Express Entry eligibility requirements for NOC 2021

Major Group 72, technical trades and transportation officers and controllers, excluding Sub-Major Group 726, transportation officers and controllers, Major Group 73, general trades, Major Group 82, supervisors in natural resources, agriculture, and related production, Major Group 83, occupations in natural resources, and Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing, and utility supervisors, are important TEER 2 and 3 groups that are eligible for the FSTP.
Remember that CLB stands for Canadian Language Benchmark.
Important remark on the FSWP's selection factor points:
The new Skill Type/Level chart that was established with the NOC 2021 system will now be used to determine how many points are awarded for selection considerations as part of the Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP).
A candidate will still receive the same number of points for arranged work in TEER 0, 1, or 2 if they would have received 10 for arranged employment in Skill Type/Level 0, A, or B.
With the switch to NOC 2021, there will be modifications to Express Entry's occupational eligibility.
Three occupations lose their eligibility for Express Entry as a result of the switch to NOC 2021, while 16 new occupations gain eligibility. The three newly disqualified jobs will still be eligible for programs with more flexible occupational eligibility requirements, such as some Provincial Nominee Program streams (PNP).
16 new professions are now eligible:
personnel managers
Dental assistants and assistants in the dental laboratory
Orderlies, patient service representatives, and nurse assistants
Pharmacy assistants and technical pharmacy assistants
Teacher helpers in elementary and secondary schools
Bailiffs and sheriffs
officers in the correctional service
officers responsible for enforcing regulations and bylaws
Electrologists, estheticians, and related professions
Installers and service providers for both homes and businesses
both fumigators and pest controllers
Other service providers and mechanics
drivers of transport trucks
Drivers of buses, subway cars, and other forms of public transportation
operators of heavy machinery
aircraft assemblers and inspectors of aircraft assembling
Three newly excluded professions:
Other performers
Recreational, athletic, and fitness program coordinators and teachers
Dressmakers, milliners, furriers, and tailors
On the CRS, the transition to NOC 2021 will have an impact:
The new Skill Type/Level chart launched with the NOC 2021 system will now be followed by the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points awarded for the scheduled employment, similar to the revisions mentioned above with the FSWP.
Example: If a candidate's NOC is in TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3, they will still receive the 50 points they would have earned for scheduled employment at Skill Type/Level 0, A, or B.
Depending on your unique situation, the next stages
As part of the transition to NOC 2021, IRCC has varying requirements depending on where a candidate is in their Express Entry process.
First of all, those who have not yet submitted an Express Entry profile but intend to do so on or after today's switch will need to locate and submit their occupation's code in accordance with the NOC 2021 while filling out the profile.
IRCC has separate requirements for applicants who have submitted a profile but have not yet received an Invitation to Apply (ITA). In this instance, candidates must update their Express Entry profile at any point following the implementation of the modifications tomorrow. In order to do this, the individual must update their profile with their TEER category and five-digit occupation code and search the NOC 2021 list on the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) website.
Last but not least, everybody who received their ITA before November 16 needs to submit their Express Entry application using NOC 2016. (using the NOC code provided at the time of receipt).