Through their separate Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, and Alberta sent out invitations to apply (ITAs) for candidates in a number of in-demand occupations.
Two of the largest PNPs in Canada are the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) and the Alberta PNP, formerly known as the Alberta Advantage Immigrant Program (AAIP). These initiatives provide immigration pathways for skilled labourers, foreign graduates, seasoned business owners, and other newcomers based both within and outside of respective provinces.
Provincial immigration data for the week of February 10–16
Note: For their PNPs, provinces, and territories use separate, independent scoring systems. As a result, various scoring standards and grades are produced, which should not be compared.
Under the "Dedicated Healthcare Pathway with Alberta job offer," Alberta sent 44 Notifications of Interest—the AAIP equivalent of ITAs—to applicants with professional healthcare expertise on February 6.
Candidates needed to have experience working in healthcare in the province and have an offer of employment from an Albertan employer in order to be invited. A minimum of 302 was required to be eligible for an ITA.
British Columbia:
This week, the BCPNP extended invitations through its channels for foreign graduates and skilled professionals (including the Express Entry British Columbia (EEBC) option). This program is designed for international students who possess the skills that British Columbian companies are seeking.
In five distinct in-demand job areas, the province awarded at least 200 ITAs to foreign graduates and skilled workers. These were the following:
Childcare—requiring a minimum score of 60 to be invited;
Construction—requiring a minimum score of 75 to be invited;
Healthcare—requiring a minimum score of 60;
Tech—requiring a minimum score of 108; and
Veterinary care—requires a minimum score of 60.
full list of in-demand professions in British Columbia can be found here.
Prince Edward Island
121 Expressions of Interest were filed with the PEI PNP by candidates for Labour and Express Entry.
Candidates with a minimum EOI score of 65 who were employed by PEI Employers were given consideration. The province has invited 2,307 individuals in the last year, of whom 2,253 expressed interest in labor and Express Entry, and 54 expressed interest in business work permits and entrepreneurship.
How can I make it more likely that I'll get invited under a PNP?
All PNPs have streams for in-demand professions that meet the labour market needs of their respective locations, even though many of them have reserved pathways for people who have some connection to the province (e.g., having graduated from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), received a job offer letter, or have personal family ties to someone in that PNP's province or territory).
Therefore, those seeking to immigrate to Canada may find it advantageous to customize their work experience to meet the requirements of a province or territory. In actuality, this is a major factor in PNPs' existence across Canada. Provinces even advertise in-demand careers to draw in newcomers who can cover these critical shortages in the labor force.
PNPs will surpass Express Entry as Canada's primary immigration gateway by 2025, indicating PNPs' ongoing significance to the nation's broader economic policy.